Trenbolone, otherwise known as Tren is hands down one of the strongest steroids available. You will not find a compound that works like Tren, it has the ability to completely change a physique. People who have experience with this compound will know exactly what I am talking about.
Never use Tren as your first cycle. It’s too strong to be used by inexperienced users. It’s better to go with a compound such as Testosterone for your first AAS cycle.
Most tren cycles will also contain testosterone. You will see most users go for the shorter ester of Test, Testosterone propionate.
Once you are ready for your first tren cycle, I’d suggest going with a very low dosage to see how your body reacts to the compound. Tren acetate also seems to be the better choice for a tren cycle due to the fact that it has better results.
A good dosage for your first tren ride would be 175mg-350mg. This is more than plenty, trust me. In my opinion, less is more with Trenbolone.
Anything between 175 and 350mg of real Trenbolone is more than enough to give you drastic results especially for somebody that has no experience with tren.
Once you have more experience with a tren cycle you could probably up the dosage to 525-700mg if you feel comfortable.
You better be one huge fella else you have no reason for jumping on a higher dose of tren.
The highest I see people run tren in a cycle is probably around 700mg.
I would NEVER run Trenbolone at a higher dosage than 700mg.
This is where the diminishing returns start. You’ll find that the sweet spot is probably somewhere between 350 and 525mg per week.
Also, make sure to have Pramipexole (Prami) or Cabergoline (Caber) on hand before starting your tren cycle.
These ancillaries are essential to help combat raised prolactin levels.
Perhaps you have also heard of the ‘fitness model stack’, it’s a cycle containing tren acetate, testosterone propionate, and Masteron propionate.
It’s called the fitness model stack because these three compounds will change a physique within no time. Some users also throw in Anavar or Winstrol because they are known as dry orals.
Primobolan is also great for it’s muscle hardening effects.
The results you can get from Trenbolone are INSANE. It’s nothing like any other steroid results you will find. Real Tren will make you pack on a ton of muscle and strength within a short period of time.
It’s also one of the most popular compounds amongst bodybuilders and physique competitors.
Due to the Tren’s amazing results, it’s often used as a pre-contest drug for bodybuilders. It’s also very popular amongst fitness models and men’s physique competitors.
Yes, tren does help burn fat.
It has multiple fat burning properties which will allow you to burn faster way faster than you would so naturally.
It has a very high binding affinity to the androgen receptors which immediately helps you with losing fat.
But the special thing about Tren is that it is able to partition nutrients way more effectively than with other AAS. There’s a bunch of different mechanisms that cause this, mainly having to do with IGF-1 sensitivity. Due to the fact that you are partitioning nutrients very differently, this will eventually result in extra fat loss.
So don’t confuse Tren for a fat burner. A fat burner would be something like ECA Stack, Clenbuterol or a different stimulant. What tren does is it essentially helps you with burning fat but not directly.
Some users will also stack this compound with SARMs such as Testolone.
Basically, it helps you use fat as an energy source which no other compound is able to do. It is also great at preserving muscle when you are in a caloric deficit, with tren you will pretty much lose zero muscle.